Baldwin Fire Department invites all Baldwin residents to learn more about the City Fire Department services provided and potentially join this volunteer organization of community service. We respond to between 200 and 300 calls each year for structure fires, grass/brush fires, carbon monoxide/smoke detector alarms, personal injury auto accidents, and medical responses plus other miscellaneous emergency requests for help.
New members are provided formal training in Firefighter I & II, Emergency Medical Responder and Hazardous Materials incident response technical school classes. In addition, we meet formally two times per month for continuing training on the first and third Tuesdays of the month.
We also meet formally on the second Tuesday evening of even months for dinner and business meeting. We meet other times less formally for activities such as assisting with the Baldwin Funfest, Fire Safety Week open house, department get-togethers and other social gatherings.
Interested parties may contact the Assistant Fire Chief, Robin Fischer at (763) 389-7976 or (612) 308-9139. You may also obtain a position summary and membership application at the City Hall or by clicking HERE. We encourage any interested individual to contact us so we may provide a tour of the facilities with an overview of the duties and responsibilities and answer all of your questions.